Issue 14 : 1 November 2006  

Hello <$firstname$>

Countdown to climate day: three days to go!

Remember remember the fourth of November, fossil fuel, reason and plot (not losing it!). I know it’s only been a couple of weeks since my last newsletter, but I wanted to make sure all of you – and all of your friends and family – are set to enjoy climate day to the full. Let’s make Saturday 4 November a celebration day to remember. If we all do whatever we can, wherever we are, we can all play a part in changing the global climate of opinion.

Those interested in journeys of awakening may like to look at:

Before anything else I want to introduce a very special friend, the wise Wombat, from the good people at Global MindShift. He is utterly irresistible to young people of all ages, and he only takes a minute to say his perfectly profound piece!

In this issue:

It's time to march on!
Call me C&C: join the march, sing the song, wear the T-shirt
Mythbusters: discover a great climate denial website

... and lots, lots more!


March on!

Maybe you haven’t been on a march for a while – maybe the last one you went on didn’t seem to make any difference (like the Stop the War march).

Well, imagine what would happen if no one bothered to do their bit. Then imagine what would happen if everyone bothered!

You won’t regret it. Be part of the day the world woke up. Bring some old friends and be reunited. Less talk, more action.

I’m already looking forward to 20 years from now, telling my grandchildren tales of what we all got up to on 4 November 2006.

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I Count

Log on and lobby ‘em! It’s as easy as falling off a log!

Lobby your MP and the PM, then lobby friends to copy you and get the (I) count up.
If you can’t make the rally there’s still a great deal you can do:

• Lobby your MP

Get them to sign EDM 178 and on Climate Change generally

A staggering 407 MPS have signed the EDM. Only 4 times in history since 1939 has an EDM received so much support. If your MP hasn’t – ask them why.

Lobby the PM via the site. Email the PM with your views. Prime Minister Tony Blair said annual targets would be "very, very difficult to deliver". Do we have an option? We must reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Whatever works, we have to pursue.

• Register for the big count

Stand tall and be (I) counted.

• Be part of Come Off It day

We can all boost production of negawatts from the people’s power station!

Parallel events are happening in a tri-county campaign called Switch It Off, which runs from 30 October to 3 November:

Come Off It day is perfect for those who need to stay at home for the day. If you can’t make the rally you can still be active by turning off everything you don’t need, and being super carbon conscious for the day – think of it as a mini carbon detox!

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Climate Justice

Be part of the unity: walk or cycle for Climate Justice. Join international events in 43 countries across the world.

Cyclists assemble at Lincoln's Inn Fields, south side (Holborn/Temple tube). Arrive US embassy at 11.30am.

Rally opens. Messages from around the world, performance poetry and music from Seize the Day.

12 noon
Main Rally at US Embassy, Grosvenor Square. Speakers include George Monbiot, Colin Challen MP, Caroline Lucas MEP, Norman Baker MP, Zac Goldsmith.

March for Global Climate Justice from US embassy to Trafalgar Square.

March joins I Count mass gathering in Trafalgar Square

1.00 to 3.00pm
I Count mass gathering in Trafalgar Square

Nearly 40 organisations in the UK (including Come Off It) are now members of Stop Climate Chaos, the UK’s climate change coalition:

Stop Climate Chaos, I Count and the climate march have the full support of the Bishops of London and Liverpool. There are tales of candlelit supper parties... Blackout London has captured imagination and various groups are campaigning around the UK for people outside London to join in the big turn off:

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Mirror readers have a light bulb moment with Dave

The Daily Mirror has just covered the story of a family that I carbon coached. £25 worth of energy efficient light bulbs are set to save them at least £50 a year off their leccy bills for the next five years! That’s equivalent to 1,000% interest! Finally we’re getting it…

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Future Come Off It days

As well as Coming Off It on climate day, there’ll be another opportunity to power down on Monday 4 December. Start planning your own Come Off It campaign for that day. It’s just before Christmas – the perfect time for thinking about sharing and giving.

Why not make the fourth of every month a mini carbon detox day? Take an energy holiday: live only by candlelight and without a computer, radio or television for the day. You may find you enjoy it!

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Call me C&C

I think you all know by now that I’m a fervent supporter of C&C (contraction and convergence). Beautiful C&C T-shirts are widely available. I will have a few spares on the day – if you can find me at Grosvenor Square – at just £5.


C & C

Pleased to meet you, want to know my name?
Call me C & C, and follow my game:
Getting it down and keeping it fair,
Contraction and convergence is in the air.

I hang out at all the climate meets,
Mixing and clicking, calling all the greets,
I cover all corners, walk all the halls,
I speak to all nations, and welcome all calls.

I'm a star, a whole constellation in each city,
I can guide you from the sky, a true celebrity.
Steer the wise path with me post-Kyoto,
There's nowhere else but justice to go to.

My strength is my universal appeal.
Don't be greedy, and don't steal.
We all have equal rights to make emissions,
Let's forget the past and the justice omissions.

Let me tell you what I stand for,
Survival for the future and more,
Fair shares for all and forever,
Let's get it on, it's now or never.

Come out your dark and shady denial,
I'm calling an amnesty for all that bile,
Shift that point of view, live this frame,
Logical and smooth transition, what's my name?

I'm a star, but not just a star,
I'll tell you the truth, more vital by far,
I'm your harshest critic, most faithful friend,

We can make it home together in the end.
Feel the liberation of getting your life back,
Stop consuming, and make your pride pack,
Let's shed some serious carbon together
Be inspired and make for much better weather.

Down, down, deeper and down.
Not satisfied by one tonne?
Zero carbon here we come.

(by Jo Abbess and Dave Hampton)

Sun of Imagine:
(With all credit and great respect to John Lennon)

Imagine no pollution,
It's easy if you try,
Oil and fossil left below us,
Above us, pure clear sky,Imagine all the people
living off today...

Imagine there's no carbon,
It isn’t hard to do,
No oil to kill or die for,
No false religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

Imagine solar pensions (groan!)
I wonder if you can,
No need for greedy nuclear,
Not in our neighbourhood plan,
Imagine all the people
Sharing out the sun...

You may say I’m a dreamer,
but I’m not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live on sun.

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Eric Roston
11 September 1948: Winking Through History

I’ve recently come across the amazing Washington journalist, commentator and author Eric Roston, who until recently wrote for TIME Magazine.
I love the way he writes and highly recommend him, and this piece, to you:

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An apology

One reader rightly took me to task for my rant about “pretty green etiquette” in the last issue. I apologise if it sounded like I was knocking recycling, organic vegetables, fair trade and the like. That wasn’t my intention. Everything is connected and every positive action counts. Sorry!

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The myth was that our state of denial was a permanent thing – it wasn’t.

Enjoy the climate denial website with George Marshall:

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To close this special issue I ask you to read one of the most poignant, moving pieces I have ever read. Take your time to read this one. Everything else can wait:

We may be one after all – we shall see. Now go forth and multiply your carbon efficiency!

Dave Hampton
The Carbon Coach


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