Issue 24 : 23 June 2008  

Hello %$firstname$%

Hot(ish) on the heels of the last issue comes this special reflective edition looking back at my first three years as the Carbon Coach and progress that's been made in addressing climate change, and looking forward to what lies ahead – including making some changes to this newsletter!

In this issue:

Introducing 350, the most important number in the world
Looking back on my first three years as the Carbon Coach
Missed a Mission Possible? Check back through my archive!
Looking forward to new, improved editions of Communiqué

The most important number in the world

First, let me introduce you to 350, the most important number in the world. Intrigued? Enjoy this simple-yet-awesome 90 second animation – and please send it to all your friends:

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Looking back...

It will soon be three years since I set forth as the Carbon Coach in the summer of 2005. My first Communiqué was sent out to around 100 friends in September that year. Now there are almost 1,500 subscribers around the world.

I’m honoured by the tremendous breadth, depth, and sheer quality of my subscribers.  You are – each and every one of you – a leader. Some big name leaders and thought leaders all over the world read Communiqué… and some particularly effective ‘small footed’ local heroes too!

I’d like to propose a solar-powered toast to you all, for being part of the growth of climate change and carbon awareness, for setting a shining example by your actions, and most of all for your happy, contagious, persistent, we-can-do-this attitude. 

I am indebted to you all. Thank you.

I hope you’ve all read at least one thing that’s saved you money, one thing you really enjoyed, one thing that made you think, inspired or motivated you, or perhaps just something you savoured, knowing that you’re not alone in your deep concern for the future of our beautiful world.

A lot of positive change has happened since I penned issue 1 – much more than many dared believe was possible. Some of it is stranger than fiction: the tabloids leading campaigns to ban plastic bags and bottled water. M&S, Tesco, Sky, Virgin and The Sun stepping up to lead!

The USA giant is positively awakening. To quote Sir Winston Churchill, “Americans will always do the right thing, but only after they have exhausted all possible alternatives.”

Is the world's media tracking my predictions?

One of the most gratifying and exciting things I’ve witnessed has been how often – with your help of course – I’ve been able to predict something good before it happens.

It sometimes feels as if the world’s media are tracking me!

Perhaps you’ve saved money by heeding my warnings about high carbon asset depreciation, by ‘trading up’ from a band G car to a band B car, (or house!) or by being ahead of the trend in tap water.

I hope I’ve helped you to make friends, influence people, and stay ahead of the Greenses, whether it’s helping friends decide to get shot of that gas guzzler, being able to say you switched to a green energy tariff long ago, or showing off your OWL to guests.

Some tips will have helped you grow in your respective community as leaders. Telling your communities about the hottest campaigns, such as Earth Day or Lights Out London.

Chip away at your own carbon block to find true happiness

Maybe I’ve simply helped you quietly chip away at your own carbon block, and given you hope that it’s possible to make a dent in the carbon shadow that trails each and every one of us, and that undermines our happiness and our effectiveness as leaders.

Yet despite all the positive progress that’s been made over the past three years, humankind’s collective fossil burn has dumped an additional 75 billion tonnes of CO2 since then – 25 billion tonnes each year – unabated. All accumulating in the air we all share, at a time when we know we should be doing the opposite – taking CO2 out… somehow.

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Missing out on a Mission Possible?

There have been 23 issues of Communiqué to date, plus this special issue. If you've missed any, you might like to know that they are all available in my online newsletter archive. Take a look:

Communiqué archive

Here are quick links to the last six issues, in case you missed one. Personally I found it therapeutic going back to read the first six issues too, to see how much seems to be changing.

Communiqué 23
Communiqué 22
Communiqué 21
Communiqué 20
Communiqué 19
Communiqué 18

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…and looking forward

Finally, I need your help. To help me ensure Communiqué is relevant and useful to you in the future, please can you spend a couple of minutes to give me some valuable feedback?

Please email me your answers to the following questions:

1. What one thing have you found most helpful about Communiqué so far?
(One sentence maximum.)

2. What one thing have you found least helpful?
(One sentence maximum.)

3. Name one subject you’d like me to explore in a future issue.
(One sentence maximum.)

I won't be able to respond to each and every one of you, but please know that your comment will be read, valued and appreciated, and will help to shape the Communiqué of the future.

I might even publish a few.  So make your comments as gushing as you like!


Until soon

Dave Hampton
The Carbon Coach


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