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Communiqué : The newsletter from Dave Hamptong, the Carbon Coach

ISSUE 32 : 26 MARCH 2010

Hello %$firstname$%

Spring forward

Thanks for all the kind comments about the new look Communiqué and the new face of www.carboncoach.com. I'm chuffed with all my ‘testimonials’ too (in the yellow box at the bottom left of each page). What's more, Heston Blumenthal is now 'aboard the coach' and has given me a testimonial too! Thanks all. Less is more. Onwards and carbon downwards!

• Gain UK-Aware-ness: a date for your diary where you can see me in action

• Earth Hour: sign up now, it's just hours away!

• Society for the Environment: my latest carbon-reducing clients

• Shout it from the rooftops: how I'm helping Marlow's 100 Solar Roofs project

Until next time

Dave's signature

Dave Hampton, The Carbon Coach
E dave@carboncoach.com   T 07768 806451  www.carboncoach.com



I will be speaking alongside the amazing Polly Higgins at UK-Aware 2010, on Friday 16 April. Our chosen subject is 'Sex, Slavery and the Planet'.

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Earth Hour

I just love Earth Hour: an hour where we want a billion people around the world to switch off their lights. Please take part! This year it's at 8.30pm (UK time) on Saturday 27 March. Read on to visit the Earth Hour website, learn more about it and sign up.

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The nice people at Good Energy invited me to write 300 inspiring words about Earth Hour for their blog. The invitation really set me thinking about what Earth Hour really means and what it can inspire. Read on to share my thoughts.

Take a look


Leading from the front

The Society for the Environment recently asked me to take a look at their office footprint. Isn’t it good when people lead from the front? (If everyone does so, the global problem is solved.)


Transition Town Marlow’s 100 Solar Roofs project

Marlow is currently paying in the region of £50 million a year to ‘those in power’ via all our various energy bills. Soon they may be paying us...

Solar panelsOurs and two other homes in Marlow have had solar panels fitted this month. We are proud of our shiny solar roofs, but what’s even better is that we are well on our way to enrolling 100 homes (the target over 12 months) to do the same. (including the homes of a few local celebrities!) Now that is something to shout from the rooftops about!

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